Welcome to God's Girls Friday

We love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and are blessed with a beautiful, healing, personal fellowship. Each of us has our own story of of sorrow, struggles and pasts we are not proud of. We also know that we have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ, and are learning how to live based on God's Living Word. We know that God did not send His Son to die for us so that we would stay trapped in pain, guilt, and shame. The Stauros Ministry is about a sharing God's love with a personal friendship and journey together; it's not a program. We invite ANYONE who is in need of encouragement from women who understand to post on our blog. Reach out; God's Word is truth

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I know this to be true....

I was never changed so much than through those tough 3 years.....

June 30, 2010
It Is Good to Be Afflicted
Psalm 119:71-76

David rejoiced in affliction because trials added to his knowledge of God. Lessons in the Lord's constancy, grace, and provision were more valuable to him than a sack of money. Moreover, David's heart and spirit were enriched as well.
Affliction acts as spiritual fertilizer on a believer's faith. David's radical pursuit of the Lord developed while he was running from a murderous king. The years between his victory over Goliath and his ascension to the throne were physically demanding and emotionally draining. Yet the challenges molded the future king into a wise leader, a cunning warrior, and a humble servant of God.
David's psalms reveal that his struggles taught him dependence on God (Ps. 4), perseverance (Ps. 13), and many other valuable spiritual traits. The Lord also provided comfort even as He stretched the warrior-poet's faith (Ps. 86:17). As God intended, David's words offer solace to others who must walk through misery.
By means of affliction, God molds His children into comfort carriers (2 Cor. 1:4). The message we offer is the one we learned in our trials: God is enough. He is sufficient to meet needs when the pit is deep, the obstacle high, or the suffering prolonged. Moreover, our own life proves that hardship makes Christians stronger and wiser.
Second Corinthians 2:14 tells us that believers are a sweet aroma on the earth. Those whom God leads to triumph over affliction become the fragrance of His care to a hurting world. We carry cheer to the discouraged, relief to the hurting, and the message of Christ's love to all.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

He promises.....

I've been put under some financial pressures recently, family responsibilities I need to step up on.  The latest came about last Thurs., and I won't go into details, but just say it's a sizable monthly sum for me.  My big job for last week feel short by half, and there was nothing new on the horizon to bring in the extra cash.  I do trust God to provide, but will admit I was somewhat stressed.  Can you see where this is leading?  Over the past few days, God has blessed me BIG with new jobs.  Once again, I am in awe of His mighty power and provision in my life.  He comes through every time, just like He promises in His Word.  He tells us He will never leave us or forsake us, that we're not to worry about tomorrow, that if He clothes the lillies and feeds the sparrows, how much more will He see to our needs?  He tells us not to be afraid, because He's walking with us.  On and on.  Thank you, Father, for loving even someone like me....

Saturday, June 19, 2010

revelations bible study

Hey everyone....going to try another post WITH my name this time! This blogging still mystifies me!!! God is my refuge and I do not fear! My Lord is with me ALWAYS......I am loving this study of Revelations....this is the third time I have studied it and I STILL continue to learn more each time. Roxanne

Friday, June 18, 2010

Does Revelations Scare You?

Pastor Brian's 1st lesson in his summer bible study on the Book of Revelations was awesome.  I spoke with several people afterwards (not from our group), who say that this is very frightening and scary.  I didn't react that way, and wonder about ya'll's reaction.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Are you ready for a REVALATION?

Is everyone getting ready the Revelations bible study starting tomorrow night?  I'm excited about it, and looking forward to seeing everyone for pizza first in the fellowship hall 6:15-6:30.  Remember to call Kim and let her know if you're in on the pizza, so she can bring enough.  Should only cost us each a couple of bucks each...that's my kinda party :-)   See you tomorrow!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

6/11 Bible Study

Hi Ladies :-)  We had a wonderful Bible study yesterday at Jeans, where she prepared a lesson on the book of Ruth.  We're making our way through the old testament, and Ruth's story is especially tender.  She was so devoted to Naomi, her mother-in-law, that she would not leave her to go back to her own people after the death of Naomi's husband and both sons, saying "wherever you go, I go, wherever you stay, I will stay, your people will be my people, your God will be my God" (Ruth 1:15)  She obeyed her other-in-laws instructions about Boaz, her kinsman-redeemer, in faith, because she knew Naomi was a woman of God, who had a perfect plan for these two women.  I wish I had a man like Boaz, his qualities of integrity and kindness and seeing the needs of the women, acted without being asked.  But, that's another story.... ;-)  Through Boaz, Ruth became a member of Jesus' family line.  Jean researched some interesting facts that pull things together for us.  Rahab (the prostitute who saved the Israelite spies from the authorities in Jericho in the book of Joshua, and who's family was saved for her deed) was the mother of Boaz!  We learned that Ruth was the only virtuous woman in Jesus' family line, and that the name Ruth means friendship.  Patty's mother's name was Ruth :-)  Jean, your lesson was great; thanks for the time you spent preparing for it.  
     We also agreed to put together a prayer list, and I'll be e-mailing that to everyone.  We also talked about possibly selling Krispy Kreme donuts to help raise money for some of us to attend the Stauros Women's Retreat in MD, which is hopefully getting changed to September.  Jean, Kim and I brainstormed that after the Bible Study, and I will be checking out how much and where we can get the donuts, and we thought it might be fun to do one Friday morning before our Bible Study, possibly going out in teams to local businesses and such and make a little competition out of it.  Hey, what do ya'll think?  Are you up for it?  Any suggestions?
     Last but not least is the Wed. night series on the book of Revelations that Paster Herrington is doing for the next 9 weeks at First Baptist of PSL (Kim, Roxanne and I attend there).  It's a 9 week course, and promises to be very 'revealing'!   We're all excited about it, and hope everyone will join us starting this Wed. 6/ 16 around 6:15-6:30 pm at the church fellowship hall for pizza before the study, which starts at 7 pm and is one hour long.  I'm pretty sure there's childcare, but you may want to verify with the church.  Please confirm with Kim if you'll be there, as she's picking up the pizza and needs to know how much to get.  We'll all chip in and share the cost of the pizza.  There's a soda machine at the church, or you can bring whatever you want to drink.  Coffee is provided starting 7 pm.
     Wow, we've got a lot going on for a little bunch of God's Girls Fridays!  Our group is a blessing to all of us, and we give the glory to our Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Amen?  Amen!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

thank you

Thank you Pam for your wonderful hosting for our group yesterday. That chicken salad is out of this world!!!....and of course that pie was DELICIOUS! "Butch" loved the pie and said thank you for it. ;-) and....Kim your lesson on Judges was ever so good and interesting. I am like Pam, I have never know the books of the bible and I am sure learning a lot. We have a wonderful loving group of women and may God continue to bless our group as we grow in His word! Love you girls!

Healing for Inferiority from Dr. Charles Stanley

Not only does God know about our feelings of inferiority, His Living Word tells us how to get over them!
Dr. Charles Stanley - InTouch Ministries

June 5, 2010
Healing for Inferiority
Ephesians 3:14-21
The world bombards us with messages that nourish feelings of inferiority. Happiness and satisfaction are promised if we will only drive the latest car, wear the newest styles, or build up those muscles while losing unsightly pounds. If we do not guard against the onslaught of commercialism, it will drive the truth of God from our minds, and we will pursue a fruitless search for adequacy and value.
So often we look at externals to prove to ourselves and others that we're valuable. Or we think, If only I were better-looking, richer, or smarter, I would be accepted and esteemed. It's not wise to let others' opinions and standards determine our feelings about ourselves; the only accurate assessment of our worth comes from looking into the eyes of the One who loved us enough to die in our place.
Paul told his readers that true significance comes from knowing and understanding the full dimensions of God's love for them. This knowledge is our anchor when feelings of worthlessness overwhelm or failures tempt us to berate ourselves and withdraw in defeat. Notice that the Lord doesn't say He'll give us all the qualities and possessions we think will overcome our sense of inferiority. Instead, He promises to strengthen us "in the inner man" (v. 16).
"God is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think" (v. 20), but His method is to work from the inside out, "according to the power that works within us." If you struggle with feelings of inferiority, ask God to heal your soul by doing a great work within.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Discount Fundraising Card for Church & Faith-Groups Fundraising Programs | Samaritan Fundraising Card

This Fundraising Item just happened to come up on my computer and I thought it may be interesting for our ideas today at the luncheon so I have ordered the kit.

Discount Fundraising Card for Church & Faith-Groups Fundraising Programs Samaritan Fundraising Card

Today was a wonderful Bible Study...great teaching on Judges, Kim!!! Super Friends, Delicious food!!! I love our Group!

Feeling Inferior....

Amazing how God addresses everything that can stand in our way......

InTouch Ministries by Dr. Charles Stanley

June 4, 2010
Feelings of Inferiority
Ephesians 2:10

Ephesians 2:10 (New American Standard Bible)

 10For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

Early in my life, I experienced some feelings of inferiority. Because we struggled financially, my mom and I didn't live in the "right" places, and I didn't wear the "right" clothes. Even in school, I felt that I did not measure up academically to the other kids. The sense of failure and embarrassment at not being good enough was devastating to me.
The misery of inferiority is never what God intends for His children. Its seed usually takes root in the impressionable hearts of the young and thrives in an atmosphere of comparison. This kind of emotional baggage can have debilitating and enslaving ramifications in every area of life. Feelings of inadequacy may cause avoidance of healthy challenges; low self-esteem cripples personal relationships; and comparison steals contentment.
We need to understand how God sees us. Then, when feelings of inferiority come, we can cling to His accurate assessment rather than our own faulty one. He says we are His workmanship—His masterpieces. Each person is specially and uniquely designed by the Creator for His purpose. The differences that cause us to make comparisons and feel discouraged are the very qualities that the Lord "programmed" into us to bring Him glory.
Feelings of inferiority are a hindrance to becoming the people God designed us to be and fulfilling His purpose for our lives. When it comes to our value, we either accept the truth of His appraisal or decide not to believe Him and instead rely on our own feelings. What will your choice be?