Welcome to God's Girls Friday

We love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and are blessed with a beautiful, healing, personal fellowship. Each of us has our own story of of sorrow, struggles and pasts we are not proud of. We also know that we have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ, and are learning how to live based on God's Living Word. We know that God did not send His Son to die for us so that we would stay trapped in pain, guilt, and shame. The Stauros Ministry is about a sharing God's love with a personal friendship and journey together; it's not a program. We invite ANYONE who is in need of encouragement from women who understand to post on our blog. Reach out; God's Word is truth

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Verses from 5/7 Bible Study

2 Timothy 3:6-7

6. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7. always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. NIV

Matthew 6:27

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? NIV

1 comment:

Jean D. said...

Beautiful Blog!!! Pam you never fail to amaze us with all your talents! I am so excited about our blog and so glad I am one of God's Girls Friday! My favorite Bible verse is Joshua 1:9, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whitersoever thou goest". Never forget that the world is in a Spiritual Warfare and we must not be afraid or ashamed to tell others about Jesus Christ. As we faithfully step out for Him, he will be with us in whatever we do or go through. I know this from experience and I love Him for all He has done for me and saved me from!