Welcome to God's Girls Friday

We love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and are blessed with a beautiful, healing, personal fellowship. Each of us has our own story of of sorrow, struggles and pasts we are not proud of. We also know that we have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ, and are learning how to live based on God's Living Word. We know that God did not send His Son to die for us so that we would stay trapped in pain, guilt, and shame. The Stauros Ministry is about a sharing God's love with a personal friendship and journey together; it's not a program. We invite ANYONE who is in need of encouragement from women who understand to post on our blog. Reach out; God's Word is truth

Sunday, May 23, 2010

2 Corinthians 5:17

This is one of Kim's favorites, (oh, and p.s. it's 2 Corinthians 5:17) and has inspired and comforted me this past week.  Struggling with some financial responsibilities that will be difficult for me to fulfill, Satan immediately attacked the old me and my insecurities and feeling like a failure.  I cried, felt defeated and was wanting some relief from these feelings.  I used to choose booze, or shopping, or popping some pill to obliterate my feelings.  This time, God's Living Word came to my rescue, as I remembered that I'm NOT the old me, that I'm His beloved daughter, that He's on my side and will see me through these difficulties if I just TRUST Him on this.  I'm not worrying, but I am seeking work more aggressively, and some things are coming through.  Praise our Glorious Lord and His Mighty Power!  HE is my comfort and my security, my rock.  Amen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please notice that this picture has the incorrect verse. This is actually 5:17. NOT 5:1